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Wholesale Vegan Products
If you're looking for vegan bulk food suppliers, and organic vegan products that are eco-friendly and cruelty-free you are in the right place. First Ray offers a wide range of wholesale vegan products. From wholesale vegan candy, wholesale vegan sweets, vegan chocolate bulk buy and vegan chocolate chips bulk and many more.
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Firstly, vegan can refer to a person, a diet, or a product but whatever context you’re using it in, they all share the same values; no animal products, no meat, no fish, no eggs, no dairy products or any other animal derived ingredients including honey and no animal cruelty. And when it comes to personal care and household products, these too must all be free from all animal derived ingredients or harm.
What is a Vegan Diet?
'Vegan diet' is not actually a diet at all, but a way of life. If this is already your lifestyle choice, you know exactly why you made the transition, and you'll definitely enjoy browsing the huge selection of products in our store. While most people are still in the consideration stage of becoming a vegan, they often do so for 3 main reasons; Personal health, Preventing the suffering of animals, and environmental factors, such as the huge percentage of the pollution that's caused by factory farms. A 2016 report shows that Australia is the third-fastest growing vegan market in the world so what’s this all about? As Australia is trending towards being vegan, the number of food products being launched with vegan labelling in them has increased, making veganism's rise continue from the past five years.
Vegan and Cruelty-free
Being vegan follows the trend of being cruelty-free. Cruelty-free is an all-encompassing label for products or activities that do not harm or kill animals. Since then, ‘cruelty-free’ has gone beyond the animal rights movement and fashion to include products and activities that consider the environment and ecosystem. Take organic produce farming for example - limiting pesticide runoff into lakes and streams can be considered cruelty-free. Living a cruelty-free life has its steps, this includes eating with compassion. A humble act of grocery shopping is your most powerful opportunity to take action against animal cruelty. And each time you shop can make a difference!
Vegan and organic might sound expensive but, an organic vegan diet is one of the best ways you can live cruelty-free. Whether choosing an organic vegan every day of the week, one day a week, or once a month, you can be a source of fairness and kindness in the world.
Every supermarket stocks a vast assortment of vegan foods these days. And a good natural foods store offers even better options. Most carry a nice assortment of vegan meats, milk, and cheeses. In the frozen section, you’ll find vegan waffles, burritos, and pizza. The desserts won’t disappoint, either. You can buy vegan ice cream, cookies, brownies, and many more favorites. Better natural food stores sell at least one vegan alternative for every popular non-vegan food—cream cheese, mayo, eggs, you name it. And your options will only improve as time goes by since vegan food companies introduce delicious new products every month.
Are you a retailer and want to buy vegan products in bulk? Click to find out how to open a wholesale account here.
Already a First Ray customer? Order wholesale vegan products online.