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Wholesale Low Gluten Products
What is Low Gluten? And why all the contention around oats and gluten free? Well it all gets quite technical and political but for a quick low down, here it is…
Oats can be labelled Gluten Free in most of Europe, USA, Canada and many other countries around the world however in Australia it is illegal to label oats as Gluten Free due to a little protein, similar to gluten, called avenin.
Research has shown that most people with coeliac disease can safely eat avenin as long as the oats are “uncontaminated” ie not grown or processed in the same place as wheat, barley rye or other grains.
Our Rude Health oats are uncontaminated. They are batch tested and show gluten levels lower than 5mg/kg (5ppm) which by international standards would make them Gluten Free but in Oz only Low Gluten.