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Heidi had been unwell for quite some time and had been diagnosed with an array of auto-immune issues that were very debilitating, not only causing her to give up her career but her independence as well.
After seeing many practitioners and spending a fortune on medications, supplements and therapies, Heidi still remained unwell. The verdict was there was no point to the 35 supplements she was taking each day as she was unable to absorb any nutrients as her digestive system was a complete mess, with leaky gut, irritable bowel and diverticulitis...not to mention lymphocyte clusters throughout the bowel. Heidi was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease in her mid 20's.
Heidi had a long list of foods she had to avoid...and this list was forever changing and growing. With very little 'in choice' to eat and Pete under extreme pressure to run the house, look after the kids and Heidi, Heidi researched the nutrients she was lacking and the foods that were nutrient rich in the vitamins and minerals she needed. Heidi had already began her paleo journey and soon realised seeds and nuts held the nutrition she was seeking.
Heidi created the Original Seed and Nut bread. It was created with her recommended daily nutritional amounts required within just 2 slices of bread, as Heidi really didn't care for the taste as she was seeking nutrition first and foremost. After persevering and throwing out many 'bricks of bread' a star was born, which Heidi ate nearly every meal with a simple topping such as tomato or avocado, a poached egg or some mushrooms...
Over time, the family began to love it too.
Now Heidi's journey didn't stop there... whilst her health did improve somewhat, years later it was a discovery of an inability to process synthetic phosphate that helped her to manage and improve her health dramatically.....and this is why they are so passionate about Organic ingredients.
Heidi and the team create the recipes with 'Organic Gluten-Free Nutrition' being the most important asset, fortunately exceptional flavours naturally fall into place.
SeedsOfLife has a dedicated Gluten-Free Kitchen for all of their products and are proud of their cleanliness and high standards. SeedsOfLife's baked products are all hand made and cooked on very low temperatures to retain the nutrition within the ingredients.
All of SeedsOfLife's products and ingredients are certified organic or biodynamic, and predominately Australian grown.